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125 lines
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* File : 8255FN.H
* Creator : Blake Miller
* Version : 01.00.00 February 1991
* Language : Microsoft Quick C Version 2.0
* : Microsoft C Version 5.1
* Purpose : Intel 8255 Compatible Digital IO Functions
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define I8255FN_H_DEFINED 1
/* Definitions ------------------------------*/
/*- The address definitions are set up for the 8255.
* The base address should be passed to the I8255_init() function.
#define I8255_PORTA(X) (X + 0) /* 8255 PORT A address */
#define I8255_PORTB(X) (X + 1) /* 8255 PORT B address */
#define I8255_PORTC(X) (X + 2) /* 8255 PORT C address */
#define I8255_CNTRL(X) (X + 3) /* 8255 CONTROL address */
#define I8255_MAXCH 0x03 /* three IO ports */
#define I8255_SET 0x80 /* configure set bit */
#define I8255_PA_M0 0x20 /* Port A I/O Mode 0 : Basic */
#define I8255_PA_M1 0x40 /* Port A I/O Mode 1 : Strobed */
#define I8255_PA_M2 0x60 /* Port A I/O Mode 2 : Bidirectional */
#define I8255_PB_M0 0x00 /* Port B I/O Mode 0 : Basic */
#define I8255_PB_M1 0x04 /* Port B I/O Mode 1 : Strobed */
/*- These are the bit masks for the port input configurations.
* These corresponding bits are 0 if the port is configured for output.
#define I8255_CL_IN 0x01 /* Port C Low Input */
#define I8255_PB_IN 0x02 /* Port B Input */
#define I8255_CH_IN 0x08 /* Port C High Input */
#define I8255_PA_IN 0x10 /* Port A Input */
/*- 8255 Digital select mode:
* PA 0-7 output, PB 0-7 output, PC 0-3 output, PC 4-7 output
* ALL ports in Mode 0
#define I8255_ALL_OP I8255_SET
/*- 8255 Digital select mode:
* PA 0-7 input, PB 0-7 input, PC 0-3 input, PC 4-7 input
* ALL ports in Mode 0
#define I8255_ALL_IP ( I8255_SET | I8255_CL_IN | I8255_PB_IN | \
I8255_CH_IN | I8255_PA_IN )
/* Error Definitions ------------------------*/
#define I8255_ST_OK 0x0000 /* OK */
#define I8255_ST_BB 0x0001 /* Bad Bit number */
#define I8255_ST_BP 0x0001 /* Bad Port number */
/* Data Structure ---------------------------*/
#if !defined ( I8255DAT_DEFINED )
typedef struct I8255dat_struct {
int base; /* 8255 address */
int stat; /* status flag */
unsigned char mode; /* current mode */
unsigned char adat; /* port A data */
unsigned char bdat; /* port B data */
unsigned char cdat; /* port C data */
} I8255DAT;
#define I8255DAT_DEFINED 1
/* Function Prototypes ----------------------*/
/* These are the INP and OUTP functions used to
* write and read from an 80X86 IO Port.
extern void chp_portwt (int, unsigned char );
extern void chp_portrd (int, unsigned char *);
#if !defined ( I8255F01_C_DEFINED )
extern void I8255_init (I8255DAT *, int);
#if !defined ( I8255F02_C_DEFINED )
extern void I8255_config (I8255DAT *, int, int, int, int);
#if !defined ( I8255F03_C_DEFINED )
extern void I8255_bitput (I8255DAT *, int, int);
#if !defined ( I8255F04_C_DEFINED )
extern void I8255_bitget (I8255DAT *, int, int *);
#if !defined ( I8255F05_C_DEFINED )
extern void I8255_put_byte (I8255DAT *, int, unsigned char);
#if !defined ( I8255F06_C_DEFINED )
extern void I8255_get_byte (I8255DAT *, int, unsigned char *);
#if !defined ( I8255F07_C_DEFINED )
extern void I8255_dump_bytes (I8255DAT *);
#if !defined ( I8255F08_C_DEFINED )
extern void I8255_load_bytes (I8255DAT *);
#if !defined ( I8255F09_C_DEFINED )
extern void I8255_bittog (I8255DAT *, int);
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* END I8255FN.H Header File
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------